Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Weeks in the year. How come it works out like this???

This question has been bugging me for donkeys years now... there are EXACTLY 52 weeks in the year right??? And EXACTLY 7 days to a week... EVERY week... Now 52 X 7 is 364. So how come there are 365 days to a year? Why and how??? And where does that extra day slot in. I just don't understand why there is 365 days in a year, when 7 days X 52 weeks = 364?!

Can anyone put me out of my misery?

Thanks...Weeks in the year. How come it works out like this???
The reason stems from the definitions of what a ';day'; and a ';year'; actually are. A day is how long the Earth takes to rotate once. A year is how long the Earth takes to revolve around the sun.

The two aren't mathematically related at all. It's like many people measure in centimeters and others in inches. They're both valid units of length, but the only way to connect the two is by the weird unit conversion of 2.54 cm = 1 in.

In units of time, the day and the year are like that. They're both valid units of time, but you have to perform a weird unit conversion to get there. 1 year = 365.2422 days. Our conversion is to have most years with 365 days, with leap years carrying the load of the difference. (Mathematically, there are 97 leap years out of every 400 years, making an average of 365.2425 days per year... which for us is close enough.)

Weeks are units based on days. 7 days = 1 week... but since the number of days doesn't work out evenly into a year, the number of weeks won't, either. The typical 365-day year is one day longer than 52 weeks. Calendar-wise, if a certain date is on a Monday one year, it'll be on Tuesday the next. The exception is the 366-day year, when the Monday date the year before ';leaps'; over a day to Wednesday following a February 29. This is why they're called ';leap years.';Weeks in the year. How come it works out like this???
it's 52 weeks + 1 day

and 52 weeks + 2 days in leap year
It's an approximation. There are 52 whole weeks in a year, plus a stray day or two.
We have to factor in the leap year so it makes it 365 days in a year.
its 364.25 days in a year and for some reason they decided to round up instead of down So after 4 years we have a leap year to catch up.
Not all years are 365 days. Using the exact days per moth and per exact year will give you the correct answer.
okay, technically there are 52.14286 weeks, but that is not an integer answer...since there are 52 complete sets of 7 days in one year, people use this for scheduling and payroll and everything else

on leap year there is 366 days, you may have heard that a year is technically 365.25 days

we make it convenient to communicate

after a few more ';donkeys years';, you will see that it is an accepted notion

try developing the notion of how many weeks on average in a month...that is even more fun with 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, and 31

you'll find out in time some people get paid twice a month, on the 15th and last day regardless of the day of week (24 paydays) and some get paid every other week on a Friday (26 paydays) this is accounting's way of dealing with weeks and days

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